
Topeng Ireng Ponco Kawedhar

Create By 17 August 2017 120 Views

Kesenian topeng ireng ada di Dusun Banyuroto sejak tahun 1990. Pelatih kesenian ini datang dari Borobudur. Seperti umumnya topeng ireng yang lain, pesan yang dibawakan adalah pesan-pesan Islami. Menurut keterangan salah seorang anggota, Pak Yatno, topeng ireng disebut juga dayakan karena gerakannya mirip tarian Dayak.

Ada 12 penari topeng ireng. Ada 3 versi topeng ireng di Dusun Banyuroto, yaitu dayakan, monolan, dan kewan-kewan. Monolan adalah cerita orang Jawa yang lucu. Sementara kewan-kewan adalah tari mengenai hewan-hewan. Musik yang digunakan antara lain meliputi bende, bedug, dan tiplak.


English ver.

The art of topeng ireng has existed in Dusun Banyuroto since the year of 1990. The trainer comes from Borobudur. As it is the case with other topeng ireng art communities, the message carried by this topeng ireng is Islamic one. According to one of its members, Mr. Yatno, topeng ireng is also called dayakan because its moves resemble Dayak dance.

There are 12 topeng ireng dancers. There are three versions of topeng ireng in Dusun Banyuroto, which are dayakan, monolan, and kewan-kewan. Monolan is funny Javanese story. While kewan-kewan is a dance about animals. The music used in topeng ireng including bende, bedug, and tiplak.